Modular Parking Lot
Constanța, România, 2020
In the context of the increase in the number of cars per family member, an effective strategy for managing parking is needed – this should be a critical component for any local government that manages a city with a population of more than 100,000.
The restrictive actions imposed by the Romanian administrations have always led to conflicting discussions between the different target groups (residents from the target area, employees affected at the workplace, visitors coming for education, etc.). Given the restrictions on development land and local budgets, many administrations are looking for parking solutions that are flexible enough to use the existing space and that also contribute to revenue growth.
Our team, in partnership with Epic Structural Design Studio and Metal Art, offers a simple way to generate additional revenue for the local budget and manage parking demand efficiently. Our modular steel beam solution offers the flexibility to add a single-story parking deck to the open ground or extend existing level parking by adding more additional axles up to P+2E, providing 105 parking spaces.
Designed for easy and fast installation, the parking portability ensures much greater flexibility than traditional parking, as the system can be easily uninstalled and moved to meet changing customer requirements, providing significant logistical and cost advantages over other solutions on the market.
Also, the facades can be decorated with various murals, supporting and integrating the local creative community. Not to mention that different functions for the top floor were designed, starting from an urban green space (park), sports ground, and ceiling for artistic and entertainment events.
Constanța, România
3.611 m²
Estimated cost
1.155.686 €
Chief Architect
Irina Panait
Structural engineer
Public administrations